We made fruit loop necklaces with 100 fruit loops. We also popped balloons counting by 10s. -Owen
We made crowns and it was very fun! -Madi
We made 100 day crowns and decorated them "I am 100 days smarter!" -Isabelle
Grayson's mom came and helped out. -Asher
We did hula hoops, balls, and we had to walk 100 steps. It was very fun! -Emily
My favourite one was walking 100 steps because I almost saw my brother. -Marko
We also wore plaid today for Plaid day. My favourite part was bouncing the balls and doing the hula hoops. -Alec
I loved hula hooping with Emily. -Angelina
I liked walking 100 steps. -Edwin
It was really fun and I liked it! -Sadie
I liked that my mom came and helped. It was a fun day! -Grayson