
Saturday, 17 February 2018

100 Day Fun

We were having tons of fun to celebrate being in grade one for 100 days!  We had fun counting to 100 many different ways.

We made fruit loop necklaces with 100 fruit loops. We also popped balloons counting by 10s. -Owen

We made crowns and it was very fun! -Madi

We made 100 day crowns and decorated them "I am 100 days smarter!" -Isabelle

Grayson's mom came and helped out. -Asher

We did hula hoops, balls, and we had to walk 100 steps. It was very fun! -Emily

My favourite one was walking 100 steps because I almost saw my brother. -Marko

We also wore plaid today for Plaid day.  My favourite part was bouncing the balls and doing the hula hoops. -Alec

I loved hula hooping with Emily. -Angelina

I liked walking 100 steps. -Edwin

It was really fun and I liked it! -Sadie

I liked that my mom came and helped.  It was a fun day! -Grayson