
Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Pumpkin Math

We did pumpkin math. -Madi

We had 586 seeds in our pumpkin!  Mrs. Bailey said that was the most seeds her class had ever counted! -Jensen

We had lots of fun doing it! -Sadie

We took all the seeds out of the pumpkin and glued them onto ten frames.  Then we counted by 10s. -Asher

My mom was helping us. -Olivia

It was gross!  We glued the seeds onto the ten frame.  -Marko

We all worked together  to make the ten frames. -Kadyn

The pumpkin was very big! -Owen

It was so not fun because it was gross and yucky! -Alec

We turned it into a jack-o-lantern. -Violet

We got to take the ten frames home after. -Isabelle

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