
Thursday, 9 November 2017

STEM Challenge- Build A Cup Tower

 Today I gave the students their first STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) challenge.  They had to build a tower out of cups.  They learned a lot about perseverance and the importance of working together.

We had to work together to make a tower out of cups. We liked it!-Olivia

It was hard! -Grayson

That was the highest cup tower I have ever built! -Jensen

It was really hard. -Sadie

I worked by myself and I built a 42 cm tall cup tower. -Asher

I stuck with Madi's plan and we were successful! -Alec

I want to do this again!  -Edwin

That was the best thing I ever did in school! -Marko

Our tower was 58 cm tall and we built it in 10 minutes! -Owen

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