
Monday, 4 December 2017

Our Selfies

Our grade six buddies traced our bodies. -Grayson

We coloured in the lines.  I like how they made my hair -Sadie

We cut out our selfies and we coloured the same clothes as what we had on. -Kadyn

It was fun! It tickled!  It looks like me! -Emily

They traced us and we put them up in our class for parent teacher night.  It was hard to stay still.
We also got to take them home.-Violet

We put our selfies on our chairs. -Owen

We took pictures of our selfies. -Alec

It was really really fun!  Thank you to my buddy Auston.  I love my selfie!  -Jensen

I like my grade six buddy! -Madi

I liked my grade six buddies Tommy and Lucas! We got to take our selfies home. -Asher

We helped our grade six buddies colour. -Isabelle

I like how they made my hair! -Grayson

My reading buddies made my head too small, but I did like that they drew a watch on my selfie.-Marko

I miss my grade six buddy because it's been a long time since I seen her and I like working with her. -Olivia

I helped Leland colour me. -Jonah

I liked making my selfie with my grade 6 buddy! -Edwin

Thank you grade six buddies!!!

Thursday, 9 November 2017

STEM Challenge- Build A Cup Tower

 Today I gave the students their first STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) challenge.  They had to build a tower out of cups.  They learned a lot about perseverance and the importance of working together.

We had to work together to make a tower out of cups. We liked it!-Olivia

It was hard! -Grayson

That was the highest cup tower I have ever built! -Jensen

It was really hard. -Sadie

I worked by myself and I built a 42 cm tall cup tower. -Asher

I stuck with Madi's plan and we were successful! -Alec

I want to do this again!  -Edwin

That was the best thing I ever did in school! -Marko

Our tower was 58 cm tall and we built it in 10 minutes! -Owen

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Happy Halloween

We would like to wish everyone a very safe and happy Halloween from room 1-3!

Pumpkin Math

We did pumpkin math. -Madi

We had 586 seeds in our pumpkin!  Mrs. Bailey said that was the most seeds her class had ever counted! -Jensen

We had lots of fun doing it! -Sadie

We took all the seeds out of the pumpkin and glued them onto ten frames.  Then we counted by 10s. -Asher

My mom was helping us. -Olivia

It was gross!  We glued the seeds onto the ten frame.  -Marko

We all worked together  to make the ten frames. -Kadyn

The pumpkin was very big! -Owen

It was so not fun because it was gross and yucky! -Alec

We turned it into a jack-o-lantern. -Violet

We got to take the ten frames home after. -Isabelle

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Terry Fox Walk 2017

We did the Terry Fox run and walk. -Jensen

We walked with our friends. -Marko

We walked along the road. -Jonah

We went far! -Sadie

The whole entire school came! -Emily
We walked with our family and friends. -Grayson

We walked all the way to Donald Road. -Owen

We had some water when we got there. -Isabelle

The big kids walked all the way to Skinners! -Kadyn

We got a class picture at Donald road. Then we walked back to the school and had ice cream with sprinkles! -Asher

My mom came and I tired her out! -Olivia

We did the walk to support Terry Fox.  We helped raise money for cancer research.-Madi

He did the Marathon of Hope. Terry Fox is a Canadian hero! -Alec

He ran almost all the way to Thunder Bay. -Asher

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Community Field Trip 2017 #1

We went on our annual community field trip today.  We visited the Selkirk Library, Selkirk Park, Skinners, The St. Andrews Firehall, and Lower Fort Garry Nursery.  It was a fun day and we learned a lot about our community.  A huge thank you to all the parents that came out and volunteered today.  Please watch our video (the entry below) and leave us a comment.  Thanks!

Community Field Trip 2017 #2

Community Field Trip 2017

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Pizza Pizza!

We have been learning about Nutrition and the four food groups in our classroom.  Today we made our own pizzas (because pizza can fit into all four food groups).  A big thank you to Upper Crust Bakery in Selkirk who generously donated the pizza dough.  Another huge thank you to Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Yourchenko who helped us make our pizzas.  The pizzas were delicious!

 We made our own pizza.  It was fun! -Brandon

It was fun!  I even tried a mushroom and liked it! I made a stuffed crust pizza! -Logan

I liked my pizza!  It was also fun making it! -Hudson

It was a fun activity! -Keira

Some of the moms came to help.  The pizzas turned out great! -Rylee

I liked eating my pizza.  My mom helped too. -Laura

I liked my pizza. -Jace

I liked my pizza.  I think everyone did too, but it was a little messy making them ! -Ella

It was fun putting the toppings on them. -Hayden

I liked making pizza.  It was the best day of grade one! -Kianna

All of the pizzas turned out great and we had a great time! -Naya

This is a song by Charlotte Diamond that we learned and we love to sing it!

L.S.S.D. 50th Anniversary Contest

Congratulations to Laura Cook in our grade one classroom for being selected as one of the winners of the L.S.S.D. 50th Anniversary poster contest.  She was the youngest winner selected in the entire division!  Here is a picture of Laura with her winning poster and school trustee Bev Barker who presented Laura with a prize package.

Monday, 27 February 2017

100 Day Fun!

The 100th day of school is so much fun in grade one!  We celebrate the entire day (and usually the next as well)!

Monday, 20 February 2017

Fairy Tale/Fantasy Dress Up Day

We had a lot of fun in grade one today.  It was dress-up as a fairy tale or fantasy character for "I Love to Read" month!  We had a lot of great costumes!

We have been reading a lot of different versions of the 3 Little Pigs.  In the afternoon the students had a challenge to design a straw house that the big bad wolf could not blow down.  They had to work in small groups and they were given straws, tape, and plasticene to construct their houses.  It was interesting to see all the different designs.

Afterwards we had a visit from the Big Bad Wolf and she could not blow down any of our houses.  Then we tried another wolf (a fan) and it could not blow down the houses either!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Welcome to Valentine Castle

We have been reading books about Fairy Tales and Fantasy and we have been having a lot of fun! -Naya

Today we made a castle out of a cardboard box.  Sometimes we read in the castle. -Kianna

We worked really hard to build the castle. -Brandon

It was really fun building it! -Laura

We can play in the castle! -Logan

We finished it in one day and we had to work together. -A.

I really liked making it! -Madden

We had fun building the castle! -Hudson

I liked doing everything with the castle. -D.

I drew a pikachu on it! -Jake

A big thank you to Mrs. Cook for donating the box.  What a great way to spend our indoor recess today!